What to look for when selecting solicitors in Preston

Solicitors in Preston

Legal issues can be confusing and complex. Selecting the right solicitors in Preston means they can guide you through legal processes, let you know what choices are available and answer your questions. Getting early advice from a solicitor means you’ll have the support of a trained legal professional.  They’re there to help understand your circumstances and work to obtain the best possible outcome for you.  Here’s some points to consider:

1. Areas of law covered

Not every solicitor covers every area of law, eg a criminal lawyer may not cover conveyancing and so on.  So look for someone who has a specialism in the specific area of law you’re looking for.

This also brings us neatly on to the next point…

2. Seek out, but don’t rely on recommendations without research

It’s great that friends, family and social networks are quick to recommend solicitors to you.  As a small business we too are heavily reliant on recommendations from our happy clients.  But if you are asking for recommendations for solicitors in Preston, or anywhere else, be specific.  Otherwise the solicitor your friend recommends to you who helped sell their house, isn’t going to be best placed to help you get a will made or file a personal injury claim.

3.  …and speaking of research…

Here is where Google and the likes really are your friend. Apart from the abovementioned personal recommendations, it’s really easy to see pretty much everything you need to know about solicitors by researching them.  You can find out what areas of law they cover, where they are, what experience they have, who’s on their team, what previous customers have to say about them, do they invite people to leave reviews… whatever you need.  And if you can’t find that information, its possibly a sign you should steer clear.

4.  Does bigger mean better?

Often bigger firms are the ones people have heard of as they’re most widely seen and advertised with heavier budgets.  But does that mean they’re better?  Not necessarily.  One reason a lot of smaller firms like ours pick up cases that have previously been in the hands of bigger firms is because people felt they weren’t getting the level of personal attention or care that they and their case deserves.  Not true in all cases, of course, but a  consideration when you’re going through an important legal process.

5.  Does local matter?

Yes and No.

Yes, in as far as more and more of us want to support local, keep our business within the local community and economy where possible.  And in terms of convenience, local is also good as having your solicitor in close proximity is always a bonus if you can call in and see people at key points in your process.

But now, sometimes also no.  Because more and more firms like ours are branching out into the slightly wider community and offering home visit services, it means that your solicitor doesn’t have to be right on your doorstep for you to be able to see them in a place and time that’s convenient to you.


We hope this helps you identify the right solicitors in Preston for you… if you’re looking for help in one of the areas of law we cover, we’d love to hear from you.  Please get in touch if you need more help.